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Aquatic Rehabilitation

Aquatic exercise promotes relaxation and provides an excellent addition to regular Physical or Occupational Therapy treatment. Some individuals who are referred for Physical or Occupational Therapy do not respond as well initially to regular treatments. However, these clients often get excellent results with an Aquatic Therapy program that maximizes relaxation and enables movement with minimum discomfort. The water-based environment allows for improved mobility, strength and gait without the stresses of gravity.

Individuals with injuries to their spine benefit from specially designed programs and techniques that elongate and “unweight” the spine. This enables clients to make and sustain postural corrections, improve vertebral joint mobility, and increase general trunk and extremity strength and mobility. Others who find aquatic rehabilitation helpful are people with pain or arthritis, people who have had surgery, or people who are obese. Many of the individuals we see for Aquatic Rehabilitation continue with water-based exercise programs following discharge from Rehabilitation Associates, Inc. by becoming involved in aquatics programs in their community. Others return to a more traditional Physical or Occupational Therapy program to achieve their rehabilitation goals.

Our Aquatic Specialists are licensed Physical Therapists with advanced training in Aquatic Rehabilitation who provide customized programs for each person they treat.