For people who have difficulty swallowing, the simple act of eating can not only be difficult but life threatening as well. Providing the correct treatment for a swallowing problem can save a person’s life by decreasing the risk of choking. In order to provide the correct treatment, an accurate evaluation of the specific structures involved in swallowing and how they are working-or not working-is critical. Rehabilitation Associates, Inc. provides state of the art swallowing assessment using the Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (the ‘FEES’).
The terms ‘FEES’ indicates a complete evaluation, including an assessment of anatomy and physiology of the pharyngeal and laryngeal musculature, an assessment of swallowing function, and a therapeutic examination to determine which of a variety of postural, dietary, and behavioral strategies might facilitate safer and more effective swallowing. Our clinicians are Speech-Language Pathologists with expertise in dysphagia (swallowing problems) and specialized training in fiberoptic endoscopy. Fiberoptic endoscopy may also be used as a therapeutic aid and biofeedback tool during swallowing treatment. Patients are carefully screened to assure that they are appropriate candidates for the ‘FEES’.
Upon referral from a physician, Rehabilitation Associates, Inc. can perform a comprehensive swallowing assessment and make recommendations to facilitate safer swallowing. We work closely with the physicians, healthcare agencies, hospitals, and skilled nursing facilities to provide swallowing evaluations for our patients with dysphagia. If you would like further information, please contact or (203) 331-8887.