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Lee Silverman LSVT ® Program

LSVT BIG ® and LSVT LOUD ® are intensive and effective, research-based treatment programs targeted at helping people with Parkinson’s Disease and other neurological conditions move and speak better to enhance their daily activities and improve their overall quality of life.

At Rehabilitation Associates, Inc., we have both physical therapists and speech-language pathologists specifically certified in the evaluation and treatment using the LSVT BIG ® and LSVT LOUD ® programs.

All candidates for the program will receive a comprehensive evaluation to determine their specific needs and candidacy for this program. If appropriate, one or both programs may be recommended.

For LSVT LOUD ®, the focus of the program is simple and straightforward, however, the impact is global. Improvements can be seen with vocal volume (loudness), clarity of speech, respiration, posture, pitch variation, facial expression, and swallowing.

LSVT BIG ® is a newer program that stemmed from the same principles and successes of the LSVT LOUD ® program. The program is similar in its single focus to impact global changes. Improvements can be seen with size of movement, speed of movement, balance, gait, posture, and overall quality of life.